Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today we've made it from the downtown St John harbour to Moncton and then to Halifax, Nova Scotia to hang out with friends Meagan and Aidas. We stopped earlier to have a picnic on the bay of Fundy beside the Dingby ferry after we found out it would cost $180.00 and take longer then driving to Halifax.

East Coast

Nick and I are full swing in our East Coast adventure.
We left Nicks house in Arnprior at 4:15am and stayed in St John, New Brunswick on our first night in Rockwood Park where our campsite looked over the St John skyline. Yesterday we stopped and drove to the top of a mountain you could see from the Trans Canada at nicks request and took some photos just before we cooked some hotdogs.

All photographs published on this website are copyright to John Tanguay and/or their respective publication. The owner reserves all rights of reproduction in any form.